Vivitar Creator Series HDMI to USB Capture Card

A few weeks ago I picked up the Vivitar Creator Series HDMI to USB Capture Card from Walmart for $20. I bought it without even thinking about Linux support because if it didn't work I wanted to MAKE it work! After getting it home I found that my Manjaro system recognized it as "MacroSilicon USB Video" and OBS recognized it as "USB Video" BUT when I tried using it OBS would not show anything.

After searching I was able to find a random blog post about getting their MacroSilicon USB Video working, but they're on a Debian/Ubuntu based system.

The things I did to get it working on my system was the following:

Added the following file:


# For HDMI-to-USB adaptor:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVER=="snd-usb-audio", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2109", ATTRS{idVendor}=="534d", \
    RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo -n $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/snd-usb-audio/unbind'"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVER=="snd-usb-audio", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2109", ATTRS{idVendor}=="534d", \
    ATTR{bInterfaceNumber}=="00", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'sleep 1; echo -n $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/uvcvideo/bind'"

Then I installed the "v4l2loopback-dkms" package from the AUR.

Then I ran the following command:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

After unplugging and plugging it back in, everything works!

I hope this helps someone else.